Laravel PHPoffice PHPWord Download Doc File

Making doc file using laravel is not so much tough at all. We can use composer package phpoffice/phpword for making word document. Here in this blog we will show how to make word document file using phpoffice/phpword based on laravel framework. Let's start it

Install Composer Package phpoffice/phpword

composer require phpoffice/phpword

Make WordDocumentController

php artisan make:controller WordDocumentController

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namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory;
use PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord;

class WordDocumentController extends Controller
    public function createWordDocument()
        // Create a new PHPWord object
        $phpWord = new PhpWord();

        // Add a new section to the document
        $section = $phpWord->addSection();

        // Add a title
        $section->addTitle('Sample Word Document', 1);

        // Add text

        // Add a table
        $table = $section->addTable();

        // Define table styles
        $boldStyle = ['bold' => true];
        $cellRowSpan = ['vMerge' => 'restart'];
        $cellRowContinue = ['vMerge' => 'continue'];
        $cellColSpan = ['gridSpan' => 3];
        $cellHCentered = ['alignment' => 'center'];
        $cellVCentered = ['valign' => 'center'];

        // Add a row for the header
        $table->addCell(3000, $cellVCentered)->addText('Name', $boldStyle);
        $table->addCell(3000, $cellVCentered)->addText('Location', $boldStyle);
        $table->addCell(3000, $cellVCentered)->addText('Contact', $boldStyle);

        // Add data rows
        $table->addCell(3000)->addText('John Doe');
        $table->addCell(3000)->addText('New York');
        $table->addCell(3000)->addText('[email protected]');

        $table->addCell(3000)->addText('Jane Smith');
        $table->addCell(3000)->addText('Los Angeles');
        $table->addCell(3000)->addText('[email protected]');

        // Save the document
        $fileName = 'SampleDocument.docx';
        $filePath = storage_path($fileName);
        $writer = IOFactory::createWriter($phpWord, 'Word2007');

        // Return the document as a response for download
        return response()->download($filePath)->deleteFileAfterSend(true);

Define Necessary Route

use App\Http\Controllers\WordDocumentController;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::get('/make-word-file', [WordDocumentController::class, 'createWordDocument']);

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Access to Route in Browser

Now access route and SampleDocument.docx will start downloading

Here is the expected downloaded docx file

Hope that, this blog will help you to create your document file using phpoffice/phpword. If you think this blog helps you a lot, please visit regularly and keep in touch
